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Grobje was built on the remnants of an ancient mound used for the burial of the dead for as long as you can remember. Makeshift buildings are found on every flat piece of ground available on the hill and many homes have been made from the tombs themselves. Below Grobje is a large relatively unexplored […]

Varix Ridge

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Out in the undulating wastes of the Amorphous Fields stands a large ridge of rock into which a series of mine shafts have been dug. The ridge itself flairs out in an unusual pattern, flanges of rock branching out up into the air in an almost fractal pattern. What is more interesting about the ridge […]

Arch Disae

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Vine-like white stone upholds this graceful, glass-covered alcove. The town’s architecture looks like plants made of stone.  There are many flower-shaped roofs and plant-like structures, including  plant-like street lamps and flower beds.  You can’t quite put your finger on it, but something seems out of place.

The Ebony Trials

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Just off the coast of Scorpion’s Reach lies a gigantic relic of a bygone age: The Ebony Trials. Formed out of hundreds of house sized black cubes, The Trials drift up and down the coast stopping at predetermined points for 1 month at a time. Just outside The Trials a town has formed, unoriginally named “Black.” Each cube […]

Lok’s Domain

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Lok’s Domain is a collection of about 16 tents huddled around a larger tent in the center of the pack.  The location is hidden among the mountains and unless the characters are flying somehow, they will need to be given directions.  A mountain stream runs near the settlement and seems to be where the villagers […]