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Commonly used by mounted glaives to attack while riding at speed, a lance can vary in material, but the base model is a carved piece of wood with a sharp tip at one end and a guarded handle at the other. The tip is designed to break and shatter on impact so that the lance […]

Xi Hook

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A piece of chain, 50 feet long, is attached to a cruel looking hook with serrated blades issuing from its underside. Not dissimilar in shape to a grappling hook, a xi hook was originally made to bring down aerial beasts. And like its name suggests, the xi hook was well known for its ability to […]


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Resembling what people from the 21st century would call a musket, the name “detowan” is a shortened version of “Detonation Wand”. Made from various material, based on the region it was manufactured in, a detowan is capable of projecting a (for lack of a better term) bullet up to 500 feet and inflicting damage as […]

Shatter Knife

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A weapon used to bring down larger prey, a shatter dagger is tipped with a stronglass blade, but at the base of the blade, a thin section of regular glass is placed to ensure the blade itself can be broken away from the handle. The blade is specifically crafted to have a hollow interior that […]


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Once the fuse is lit (Action), all twenty-four arrows inside the tube will be launched in the next round. The arrows can travel up to long range, and their sheer numbers make the attack roll four steps easier. On a successful attack, a multi-stinger inflicts 16 points of damage. This damage should be treated as […]