
Dust Blade

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Made from a modified arc wand, this weapon has three reservoirs inside of it that house memory dust. The dust has been mixed with other elements to strengthen the end product and when energized produces a blade with the arc wand acting as the hilt. Should the blade break, the user need simply switch to […]


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Grassars are specifically forged to be lightweight, with a thickened tip. The metal is then twisted and spiraled to make it able to bend the course of its trajectory through the air mid-flight. Throwing a grassar properly increases the difficulty of the attack by two, but the light weapon difficulty decrease also applies so the […]


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Needle Glove

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Each finger is topped with a single, half-inch needle with synth tubing running to a vial mounted on the forearm. The vial can contain nearly any liquid toxin and upon a successful hit, the toxin is delivered into the victim. The nature of the device insures that the toxin acts as one level higher due […]


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A weighted net designed to ensnare those caught under it and hinder their movements. When the net is thrown and the user rolls to see if they hit the target the result should be noted. On a success the target’s physical actions are rendered one step to their detriment. If the roll is a success […]