
Hard Choices: Running Multiple Campaigns in Parallel

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One of the themes I always enjoy in roleplaying games is one of moral ambiguity, the areas of grey and the requirement to make hard choices (or the struggle to avoid having to make them). On the other hand, focusing too hard on the players can lead to one of the things I tend to […]

Nano Fairies

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Long ago there was a world full of magic. An elder race ruled this world of beauty and comfort through esoteric magics and invisible servants.  But the comforts and ease of existence made the rulers of this world bored, and so they built themselves adversity by turning some of the servants in the air into […]

Negative Descriptors

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So, I’ve really been interested with and inspired by the fact that people seemed to really like the Jinxed Descriptor I came up with a while back. Last time I checked it was the highest rated one on this site.  This is fascinating to me because by choosing an ostensibly negative Descriptor it might seem […]

Creation Day (err… Week) Contest

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Thanks for your interest in the content contest, however at this time, this contest has concluded and is no longer accepting entries. × Welcome to the first (annual?) Creation Day (Week) at The Ninth World! What’s Creation Day? Oh my, am I ever so glad you asked. Remember, The Ninth World is all about sharing […]

Playable Murden

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During the Numenera playtest last year the first little adventure I received included a single enemy monster:  The Murden. My players went up against these guys quite a few times after that and I came to really fall in love with them as monsters.  I love their mild psychic abilities, their misunderstood nature, and their […]