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Grassars are specifically forged to be lightweight, with a thickened tip. The metal is then twisted and spiraled to make it able to bend the course of its trajectory through the air mid-flight. Throwing a grassar properly increases the difficulty of the attack by two, but the light weapon difficulty decrease also applies so the […]

Needle Glove

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Each finger is topped with a single, half-inch needle with synth tubing running to a vial mounted on the forearm. The vial can contain nearly any liquid toxin and upon a successful hit, the toxin is delivered into the victim. The nature of the device insures that the toxin acts as one level higher due […]

Shatter Knife

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A weapon used to bring down larger prey, a shatter dagger is tipped with a stronglass blade, but at the base of the blade, a thin section of regular glass is placed to ensure the blade itself can be broken away from the handle. The blade is specifically crafted to have a hollow interior that […]


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