
Traveler’s Pack

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Concentrated Stim Pill

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Can be swallowed as an action. This pill is packed full of nutrients and several stimulants that help keep the consumer awake and alert for hours. This allows for the user to stay awake, alert and attentive, unfailingly, for the next ten hours. After this time, the user is treated as impaired until they go to […]

Void Traveler

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Many, if not all, of the prior worlds had access to space travel. The ships left behind on Earth are exceedingly rare, and almost always in need of major repairs and replacement parts. But, when finally restored, these wonders of the numenera are the some of the most sought after pieces of technology. Capable of […]


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A two-wheeler is a relatively simple device that allows the rider to travel about twice as fast as normal for short amounts of time – under their own power. People in the Ninth World who have access to these contraptions usually employ them for crossing over to the next town along an established road. They […]