
Force Projector Armor

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This piece of armor resembles a series of metal plates that link together to cover the most vital parts of your body. Each plate has a glowing circle on its surface that flares into life whenever something that could do you harm comes within striking distance. These disks will attempt to push the attack away […]

Chirog Armor

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Special medium armor that provides 2 points of armor protection. It also provides an additional +1 point of armor verses piercing attacks.

Blood Barm Armor

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A blood Barm is a four legged creature about the size and shape of a turkey. Instead of feathers, a Barm’s body is covered with myriad vesicles.  In the town of Picalah a small group of armorers have discovered how to pluck  individual myriad vesicles  that have not turned into unborn Barm’s.  And through a […]