
Playing With Fire

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Along similar lines of my previous post about Fun with Physics foci, here are three foci I’ve made that expand upon the fire powers presented with Bears a Halo of Flame in the core book. Hope you find them useful. You can download the PDF here: Playing With Fire

Numenera Networking

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If you’re looking to get plugged into the various online communities and sources for Numenera content, here’re a few pointers.  This is not an exhaustive list, but it gets at the bulk of the places worth visiting. Websites You are here.  Blog-like content, as well as hosted files and a growing database of player-created […]

Thoughts on Noble Pursuits

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Noble Pursuits is the first adventure session in Numenera’s first expansive adventure setting, The Devil’s Spine. Having just completed the adventure with our group, I wanted to offer some thoughts and insights for others who are about to run the adventure. This is by no means intended to be an exhaustive, in depth review of […]

Graduated Success

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Success or failure is nice, but degrees of success is better. Since back in the playtest period for Numenera my various player groups have elected to forego the standard system of binary success or failure in the core rules of Numenera, electing instead to use the Graduated Success model presented in the Using the Rules […]

The Solo Game

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Numenera is a game that, for me, screams out solo game.  One player, one GM.  Here’s why, who, where, and how. WHY Numenera is a game lost in time.  It’s set in both the future and the past.  A person in that world could easily feel alone.  They could trek out into the strange world […]