CypherCaster Magazine

Published May 29, 2015 by in

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The newly formed CypherCast Network’s premiere project will be a digital magazine devoted to covering Monte Cook Games (MCG) products.

The CypherCaster Magazine will launch in May 2015 with an intended publishing frequency of every two months. This is an unofficial but licensed magazine and content will be largely fan-driven.

The types of content will include, but not be limited to:

  • MCG product previews
  • Licensed product previews
  • Adventures, standalone & serialized
  • Recursions
  • Show’ems and plot seeds
  • Cyphers, Artifacts, & Oddities
  • Creatures
  • Fiction, short & serialized
  • Hacks
  • GM tips & tricks
  • Pre-generated characters
  • MCG Asset Team news & events
  • MCG Organized Play news