
The Nomad Louse

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Moving slowly across the landscape can be found an immense, woodlouse-style creature the size of a large barn. It doesn’t seem to react to anything and is otherwise impervious to any attack, crawling over any obstacle. It avoids existing settlements but stops at night, presumably to sleep. No-one knows where the louse came from, nor […]

The Singing Trees

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A traveler walking through a certain forest within the Beyond, on a certain evening might hear a low-pitched melodious hum that begins without warning. The hum has a direction, but does not get substantially louder as one approaches. Rather, new, higher pitched tones, percussive beats and whistles begin to join the hum as the source […]

The Petrified Lake

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The Petrified Lake is a body of liquid located in the far southern reaches of The Steadfast, to the south and slightly west of Rathscor Fortress. The region, several kilometers across, contains a fluid of unknown origin. While at first glance it appears as water, closer inspection reveals that the liquid’s color is an somewhat […]