
The Shade

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The Nomads who settle the know of a boon that might prove unsettling to some, but to the wise elders who guide the tribes know it to be a thing to be sought, rather than a thing avoided. The Shade is a great circle of darkness approximately 50km in diameter, a shadow on the land that […]

Varix Ridge

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Out in the undulating wastes of the Amorphous Fields stands a large ridge of rock into which a series of mine shafts have been dug. The ridge itself flairs out in an unusual pattern, flanges of rock branching out up into the air in an almost fractal pattern. What is more interesting about the ridge […]

The Amber Flotilla

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The Amber Flotilla serves as the ‘s expeditionary branch. Officially, the vessels of the flotilla act as a sort of mobile , allowing the Amber Papacy to exert its power on the open ocean. In actuality, assignment to the flotilla has been a time-honored way of getting rid of priests whose eccentricities or philosophies clash […]

Circus Meridianus

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Circus Meridianus travels about setting up near aldeia. When traveling the circus forms a caravan of three dholes: pale, slime covered, wormlike creatures that are about a kilometer long.  Each dhole has several buildings attached to it, painted in bright colors. When camped the dholes form a circle around the circus, burrowing in the ground […]

The Ladder

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No-one is quite sure exactly where the Ladder is, or even if it shares the same world as normal folk. All that is known about it is that sometimes, certain places lead to the Ladder that would normally lead somewhere else, that sometimes turning quickly round a corner will take you there or going to […]