
Glow Iron Shield

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Arc Wand

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A 6 inch “wand” of metal that has two miniature prongs at the end. An arc wand harnesses atmospheric electricity to create a single, minuscule jolt of electricity. By itself the jolt doesn’t deal any damage, but if a device requires a jump start of electricity, an arc wand is capable of providing the small […]

Pre-Programmed Automaton

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Coming in various forms, pre-programmed automatons are employed in dozens of fields throughout the Ninth World. Repurposed, scavenged and in the few cases where the machine already knows how to accomplish the task its new masters desire, these various constructs can be seen weeding a field, cooking delicacies, or maybe even acting as guards for […]

Prima Cinere

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A small, synth bag which contains some of the most valuable dust you will ever find in the Ninth World. Prima cinere is the very essence of what makes magic possible. The nano-spirits that live throughout the world can be harnessed by those with the talent, or know-how, but having a concentrated source of them […]

Artificial Ley Line

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A rare and expensive acquisition, artificial ley lines are much sought after pieces of equipment that allow for instantaneous transmissions of energy. Some have used it to make long distance communication, while others use it in traps, even as others use it to conduct their esoteries at a distance.