
Lockbane Auger

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An Omaroa hand auger that was first made as a building tool, it found great popularity among the shipbuilders and artisans of Ghan. Unfortunately it fell out of favour among many reputable craftsmen because of its rapid uptake by thieves and housebreakers throughout the Steadfast. The ability to bore through the hardest steel made it […]

Hardface Spikes

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Six slices of Azure Steel hammered into angle pitons, with holes bored through the top for a welded steel ring. They are used for climbing hard igneous rocks or shear metal surfaces where more malleable iron would be useless. Each spike is durable enough to be re-used indefinitely. These tools have seen some circulation in […]

Indigo Powder

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A drawstring bag containing 5lb of powdered Azure Steel. The process of reducing the super hard metal to a powder is time consuming, but profitable. Many metalsmiths working with alloys pay well for the dust, as do certain Nanos. The concentrated mix of rare elements provides far more effective esoteric building blocks than common ninth […]

Cyan Bolts

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12 heavy crossbow bolts with a needle bodkin of ground Azure Steel, fitted into an iron shaft. Shots made with a suitably powerful bow have been known to pierce heavy plate; but a well-designed suit or numanera artefact can still turn aside these bolts.

Empyrean Ship

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A lateen rigged caraval, usually running 35m in lenth with a deadweight of 160 tons, it bears a complicated system of iron weights and chains running throughout its hull to a pilots cabin at the rear. The long curved sails are rigged both above, below and abeam of the ship. The entire inner hull of […]