
Cyan Bolts

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12 heavy crossbow bolts with a needle bodkin of ground Azure Steel, fitted into an iron shaft. Shots made with a suitably powerful bow have been known to pierce heavy plate; but a well-designed suit or numanera artefact can still turn aside these bolts.

Zephyr Bolts

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12 iron bolts designed for a crossbow, these particular variants have a slim core of floatstone. The lighter weight floats a shot over a greater distance, but requires a weapon with a powerful draw to propel it effectively (such as a heavy crossbow).

Blue Amber Flies

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Never release them near the ocean! They immediately dart out and dissolve into a nearby wave which crystallizes into a blueberry hued clump, after which it floats off into the distance, never to be seen again.

Flavor Dust

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It has no nutritional value. It is good for infinite uses. Flavor paste comes from . Merchants value it for it’s regular sale to almost anyone. An unknown fact of flavor paste is why the different powders have unique tastes. Rumors say the know why.


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