The Insta-Weapon is a disposable weapon for one combat only. Maybe it was carried by diplomats from a prior world, or as an emergency defense device for civilians, or as an assassination tool.
- Level:
- 1d6+1
- Type:
- Anoetic
- Wearable:
- Glove, Wirstband
- Usable:
- Hilt
- Effect:
It creates a weapon that works for 10 minutes, after that it dissolves or disappears. Roll a percentile:
1-40 Light Weapon 41-80 Medium Weapon 81-00 Heavy Weapon The materials used by the weapon varies. Roll a percentile:
1-25 Metal (Steel) 26-50 Synthsteel 51-75 Ceramic 76-85 Heat/Concentrated Light 86-95 Force 96-00 Space Deformation (affects transdimensional beings and ignores armor)