By rebuilding your body with nanites or using hormones that access secrects hidden in your DNA chain, the Beastficator transform you into a beast, unleashing violence and savagery on your opponents.
- Level:
- 1d6+1
- Type:
- Anoetic
- Internal:
- Pill, ingestible liquid
- Wearable:
- Hide Paldron or Guardbrace
- Usable:
- Injector
- Effect:
It gives you the ability from Howls to the Moon focus. It will last for the cypher’s level x10 minutes. While in the beast form you are subjected to the same restrictions and penalties after it’s use.
There are some rarer and stronger version of this cypher. When the cypher is discovered, roll percentile:
1-50 Normal 51-85 86-00