Welcome to the first (annual?) Creation Day (Week) at The Ninth World! What’s Creation Day? Oh my, am I ever so glad you asked. Remember, The Ninth World is all about sharing Numenera content with other players, and we’ve started a good roll on content so far. This is a bit of an incentive to create more.
So here’s the deal behind this. Between now and the end of January 4th, you need to submit all the crazy content your pretty little brains can dream up. Then, we’ll track the votes on all content submitted during that period through the end of January, and the items that get the most votes will win… something (see updated prize list below). We don’t know quite what yet, but we’ll update this post shortly once we’ve scraped the bins of petty cash (my wallet) to see what we can offer up.
What makes for a qualified entry? Anything. Any one of the normal items, but also any articles or guides anyone wants to write (use the contact form to submit articles). Equipment can count too, though voting for mundane equipment is a little funky and boring, so contact me if you plan to do that.
- Articles/Guides
- Creatures
- NPCs
- Mutations
- Foci
- Descriptors
- Locations
- Artifacts
- Oddities
- Cyphers
Votes will be tallied through January 31st. Voting will be based on cumulative UP votes only. Down votes won’t factor in (to discourage anyone who might get the wild idea to go mass downvoting on things). In the event of ties, or any voting discrepancies/juicing, or technical problems, or basically anything that seems funky, The Ninth World reserves the right to make a final decision on winners (remember, being our first try at this, we might have to adjust things on the fly to make everything run smoothly). To be considered, you must contribute at least one piece of content by 11:59PM on January 4th. There’s no limit to the number or types of content you can submit, though all normal submission rules apply and you must be a registered user of the site (obviously). So submit more things = more chances to win. We’ll then announce the winners early in February.
Prizes! (in no particular order)
- Numenera Player’s Guide (print)
- Celestial Wisdom by Ryan Chaddock (PDF)
- In Strange Aeons: Lovecraftian Numenera (PDF)
- GM Screen (PDF)
- Cypher Deck (PDF)
- Cypher Collection 1 (PDF)
- more…?
So what are you waiting for, go create!
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