This wheelchair has a seat that appears to be padded leather. There is a small, glass-faced control panel at the end of the armrest that controls the chair. The wheels are heavy and appear to be treaded with tires that don’t suffer normal wear. A series of power tubes are mounted to one side, connected by thick, cloth-wrapped cables to a large drive motor that sits between the wheels.
- Level:
- 1d6+2
- Form:
- A chair crafted from a strong, but soft-feeling synth material.
- Depletion:
- 1 in 1d20 (5%) per day of use
- Effect:
The chair is capable of moving most individuals up to about 300 pounds at a normal walking pace. It is very maneuverable and silent running. The materials that the wheelchair are constructed from are very comfortable for the occupant. The user makes a depletion roll on the power cells when activating the chair, and it remains stable for the next 28 hours. It has no visible means of recharging.