A finger length segmented spine of silvery metal, it curls and moves like it is alive. This artifact is activated by pressing it onto the outside of a human spinal cord. Needles extend from the sides and inject the user with micro-organisms and electrical stimuli. These work together to give the user extreme resistances to harsh environments.
- Level:
- 1d6+4
- Form:
- Finger length metal spine
- Depletion:
- 1 in 1d20 (5%)
- Effect:
When activated the user gains artifact level minutes it can spend in extreme heat and cold without taking damage (Range is -350 degrees Celsius to 350 degrees Celsius). In addition the user can spend artifact level minutes underwater or in a vacuum without taking damage. Every time the duration ends a depletion roll is necessary. When the artifact depletes the needles exit the host body and the spine smokes-inoperable.