
Site Design Update!

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Hey everybody! I figured it was time to give everyone a peek at what’s coming to The Ninth World very soon. Those of you that follow the site on Twitter might know a bit about this already, as I shared out some earlier looks the other day. While we’re plugging along quite nicely overall, I […]

Quick & Dirty Adversaries

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It’s easy to get writer’s block when making monsters for Numenera.  It’s hard to really keep it weird when there’s pressure to keep it weird.  Sometimes you need a little help. Here’s my system for coming up with on-the-fly or randomly strange creatures and people. Step 1:  Inspiration The best source of inspiration is good […]

Master of None – Giving Jacks Their Own Identity

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Jacks can be kind of a mixed bag. Glaives and Nanos both have their own strong identity, with a focus on combat and esoteries respectively. Jacks have very few abilities of their own, mostly gaining ones that Glaive and Nanos of the same tier already had from previous tiers. Jacks are intrepid explorers and adventurers. […]

Star Wars Numenera

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I’m a big fan of Star Wars. I’ve made adaptations for Star Wars in almost every game system I’ve used.  I’ve played every licensed Star Wars roleplaying game that’s come out.  To this day I play the MMORPG for Star Wars the Old Republic, having played and met the developers for the previous MMO, and […]

FATE-like XP Mechanics in Numenera

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FATE is a wonderful system. It just gels perfectly with the way I think and the kind of shared control over a game I like to extend to my players. One of the things I love about Numenera is how in some ways it is very similar to FATE. My Numenera players tend to be […]